Ritual Journeys

Anna Balikci Denjongpa
Bulgaria, Tibet 2011 | 75 Min. | miniDV, OmeU

RITUAL JOURNEYS is an inti­mate por­trait of Merayk, an 80 years old Lepcha shaman or Padim. Merayk lives with his family in Dzongu, a Lepcha reserve in North Sikkim, East­ern Himalayas. He per­forms heal­ing rit­u­als for indi­vid­u­als as well as rit­u­als for the well­be­ing of the house­hold, the clan and his vil­lage com­mu­ni­ty. Cam­era­man Dawa Lepcha fol­lowed Merayk and record­ed his daily life and rit­u­als between 2003 and 2010.