a series of 9 films and 21 half-hour parts
sci­en­tif­ic advice by Asen Balik­ci and Guy Mary-Rousselière

A series of 9 films in 21 half-hour parts. These films reveal the live real­i­ty of tra­di­tion­al Eskimo life before the Euro­pean accul­tur­a­tion. The Net­si­lik Eski­mos of the Pelly Bay region in the Cana­di­an Arctic had long lived apart from other people and had depend­ed entire­ly on the land and their own inge­nu­ity to sus­tain life through the rigors of the Arctic year. The film­ing was done during the sum­mers of 1963 and 1964 and in the late winter of 1965 under the ethno­graph­ic direc­tion of Dr. Asen Balik­ci of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mon­tréal, assist­ed by Guy Mary-Rous­se­liere, O.M.I., both anthro­pol­o­gists of wide Arctic expe­ri­ence. Quentin Brown was Pro­duc­er-Direc­tor, and Kevin Smith the Exec­u­tive Pro­duc­er for the series. A min­i­mum of cul­tur­al recon­struc­tion was required during the film­ing; the Net­si­lik fam­i­lies read­i­ly agreed to live in the old way once more and showed con­sid­er­able apti­tude in recall­ing and rep­re­sent­ing the ear­li­er ways of life. The films were orig­i­nal­ly released in 1967. The effect of this film series is that of a field trip where stu­dents can observe Eskimo ways at their leisure and form their own impres­sions. The pace is unhur­ried; many of the Eskimo activ­i­ties are shown in close detail.