Danial Shah
Pakistan, Portugal 2019 | 10 min
Fri, 14-May-21 04:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via Zoom with:
Danial Shah
» Trailer

Irshad migrat­ed with his son Zee­lain from Pak­istan to Por­tu­gal to enable him a better future. As Zee­lain has to write a paper for school about a hero, he choos­es his father, who gave up every­thing in Pak­istan to give every­thing to him in Por­tu­gal, despite not par­tic­i­pat­ing much in the Por­tuguese soci­ety. On the other side we see in the short film Zee­lain being the every­day life hero for his father, as he doesn´t speak Por­tuguese and would be lost with­out his son trans­lat­ing for him. MY HERO pon­ders on the con­se­quences for our rela­tion­ships and social func­tions, when the sur­round­ing lan­guage and cul­ture is changing.

Direc­tor, script, cin­e­matog­ra­phy, edit­ing: Danial Shah