Josué Méndez
Peru 2004 | 83 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU

San­ti­a­go Roman, a rugged, 23-year-old sol­dier of the Peru­vian Navy, returns home to Lima after years of fight­ing in the jungle. Combat-weary and search­ing for hope, San­ti­a­go is a member of a lost Peru­vian gen­er­a­tion – his spirit scarred by futile wars with Ecuador and con­stant fight­ing against ter­ror­ists and drug traf­fick­ers. He quick­ly finds his native Lima an unwel­com­ing place – his army bud­dies have taken to bank rob­bing; the deca­dent club scene offers only noise and lights; prospec­tive employ­ers won’t hire him; his appli­ca­tions for credit are refused. But worst of all, San­ti­a­go learns that his friends, family, and young, pro­fes­sion­al wife have become deca­dent or dis­tant — and that they are, each in unique ways, unable to under­stand him. As his trou­bles con­verge in the film’s riv­et­ing climax, DIAS DE SANTIAGO asks the ques­tion, what escape for a dis­charged sol­dier, who returns home full of hope, but finds only dis­ap­point­ment and inner turmoil?