Mary Kunuk
Nunavut 2001 | 60 Min. | DV Pal

Aban­doned by her father Vivi Kunuk was adopt­ed by the Inuk family of her mother who raised her as a boy. This is but one remark­able chap­ter in her life. With her hus­band Enuki, she raised eleven chil­dren, includ­ing award-win­ning film­mak­er Zacharias Kunuk, living most of the year on the land as her nomadic ances­tors did prior to the cre­ation of gov­ern­ment set­tle­ments in the 1950’s. Sur­round­ed by her grand­chil­dren, she recounts sto­ries about the land she knows inti­mate­ly and her life’s des­tiny on Baffin Island. The his­to­ry of changes expe­ri­enced by Inuit people in the last sixty years is con­tained in the story of Vivi Kunuk – an ordi­nary woman with an extra­or­di­nary life.