Agridulce - Bittersweet

Julia Keller
Cuba, Germany 2008 | 45 Min. | DigiBeta, OmeU

Cuba and cream cakes. An old pastry cook, who has to work in an indus­tri­al bakery – despite long having reached retire­ment age. A hobby baker in the menopause with a pas­sion for baking fancy cakes. A young retail­er living on offer­ing fancy cakes in the city every day. A 14year old girl before the cel­e­bra­tion of her 15th birth­day, look­ing for­ward to her first ball gown. Dressed like a bride, she will cut the huge fancy cake togeth­er with her friends. The Ger­man­Cuban doc­u­men­tary shows the love for abun­dant meringue cakes in light­blue and pink, the sweet status sym­bols of Cuban soci­ety. The film por­trays the dif­fi­cult life on Castro’s sug­ar­cane island in unspec­tac­u­lar images: the daily fight for an income, allow­ing for a little bit of luxury. AGRIDULCE also shows the strength and fan­ta­sy of Cubans to brave all dif­fi­cul­ties – a young woman not giving up her dream of study­ing medicine.