David Mac­Dougall has been active in doc­u­men­tary and ethno­graph­ic film­mak­ing since the 1960s, some­times co-direct­ing films with his wife Judith Mac­Dougall and some­times work­ing alone.  In this mas­ter­class he will dis­cuss how changes in film tech­nol­o­gy and his own think­ing have result­ed in major shifts in his approach to film­mak­ing over the years.  He will illus­trate these shifts with exam­ples from his films.  He has made films in Africa, Europe, Aus­tralia, and in India, where most recent­ly he has focused on the lives of chil­dren in schools and other insti­tu­tions.  Since 2010 he has also direct­ed the ‘Child­hood and Moder­ni­ty’ Project, a pro­gram of video work­shops in which​ Indian chil­dren make films about their own communities.

With kind sup­port of
sez Stiftung Entwick­lungs-Zusam­me­nar­beit Baden-Württemberg