HADDON is an online cat­a­logue of early doc­u­men­tary films and unedit­ed film footage from around the world, shot during the period of 1895-1945. The cat­a­logue con­tains details of over 1500 films and lengths of film footage select­ed for their poten­tial inter­est to ethno­g­ra­phers and anthro­pol­o­gists, his­to­ri­ans, film his­to­ri­ans and anyone inter­est­ed in the visual rep­re­sen­ta­tion of non-Euro­pean peo­ples in the first half-cen­tu­ry of cinema should also find it a valu­able resource. The records them­selves have been gath­ered from over 25 film archives, muse­ums and other insti­tu­tions around the world, and there is an ongo­ing pro­gramme to iden­ti­fy fur­ther archival repos­i­to­ries and col­lect fur­ther records. Named after the British anthro­pol­o­gist A.C.Haddon, in com­mem­o­ra­tion of his pio­neer­ing film work in the Torres Strait Islands in 1898, the cat­a­logue is avail­able through the World Wide Web. 

Marcus Banks, pro­fes­sor for Eth­nol­o­gy at the Oxford University.