Robert M. Young
USA 1983 | 99 Min. | 35 mm, OmU

The life of Gre­go­rio Cortez, in the first years of the 20th cen­tu­ry in Texas, which has become legend through innu­mer­ous songs and writ­ings is recount­ed in a mix­ture of report and west­ern. The local sher­iff accus­es Gre­go­rio Cortez of horse theft due to a false trans­la­tion by his deputy. In the ensu­ing shoot-out Cortez’s broth­er and the sher­iff are killed. Know­ing for sure that he won’t get a fair trial Cortez flees whilst 600 Texas Rangers are chas­ing him. He is caught after 11 days and sen­tenced to 50 years imprisonment.