Silver Holiday

Deepti Rao
China, India 2016 | 12 Min. | OmeU
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There are many rea­sons to visit the vil­lage of Bama in Guangxi, a region in south-east­ern China. The mag­net­ic fields might take the poison out of your body, the air appears to be the clean­est in the world and gym­nas­tics in the lush green will bring you sheer hap­pi­ness. At least that’s what Chen Guo and his wife, both in their 80’s, came for. They hope to become one of the dozens of cen­te­nar­i­ans, whose remark­able wealth gives proof of their expec­ta­tions. While fol­low­ing them around in their new home, film­mak­er Deepti Rao gives a humor­ous and yet sen­si­tive insight into their daily life.