Awara Soup

Cesar Paes
Belgium, France 1996 | 70 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU

Awara soup is a sort of stew with some oil from the Awara, the fruit of an ordi­nary palm in Guyana. The soup is cooked by the Cre­oles on Easter Monday. Those who eat Awara soup on this day will never leave Guyana. The prepa­ra­tion of this dish rich in ingre­di­ents served the film­mak­ers as a pre-text for meet­ing var­i­ous people (in front of a camera which was always on view), such as Amer­i­can Indi­ans, Euro­peans, Cre­oles, Brown-Blacks, Suri­namese, Hmongs, Brazil­ians. All of them live in Mana, a small town where 13 lan­guages are spoken. It’s an amaz­ing adven­ture of inte­gra­tion: French Guyana on the north­ern coast of Latin Amer­i­ca is a lab­o­ra­to­ry for cul­tur­al encounter, under­stand­ing, and coex­is­tence which cer­tain­ly has many lessons for other places in this world.