Florian Fischer, Johannes Krell
Germany 2016 | 12 Min.
» Trailer

KALTES TAL exper­i­ments with dif­fer­ent spaces and the tran­si­tions in between them. Aes­thet­ic and doc­u­men­tary forms are merged to take the viewer into a real but mythic world of a lime­stone fac­to­ry. The white lime­stone is processed and returned to the forest in order to pro­tect it from acid rain. The film deals with this circle of resource exploita­tion and the attempt of rein­stat­ing an eco­log­i­cal equi­lib­ri­um. Explo­sions of rocks in slow motion, white chalk dust cov­er­ing every­thing and the camera float­ing through the forest create a tran­scen­den­tal world that blurs the dichoto­my of nature and human action.