Davide Marino
Great Britain 2020 | 23 min
Fri, 14-May-21 10:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via Zoom with:
David Marino
» Trailer

A father is peel­ing an orange, a daugh­ter and mother are sleep­ing in a ham­mock, and a big river is flow­ing by: these are a few snip­pets that immerse us into the life of this Bribri family and their sur­round­ings. The med­i­ta­tive sound­scape, close-ups and sub­dued colours invite us to wonder and wander. As a part of many-month-long ethno­graph­ic research in Tala­man­ca, the film encap­su­lates the ways of an indige­nous com­mu­ni­ty and its values and how a strong con­nec­tion to nature means its unques­tion­able con­ser­va­tion. Does one truly need to be remind­ed that often?

This short piece is a thought-pro­vok­ing and cau­tion­ary tale of a way of life that could soon be lost.

Direc­tor, script: Davide Marino
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy: Davide Marino, Simon Gillard
Edit­ing: Davide Marino, Paloma Yanez Ser­ra­no, Lana Askari
Sound Edit­ing: Syl­vain Roche
Visual effects: Tom­ma­so Mari
Con­tact: davidemar@gmail.com