With Our Eyes

Laura Na Blankholm
Denmark 2018 | 41 min | engl. subtitled

Wed, 29-May-19 03:30 PM

Affect­ed by the polit­i­cal real­i­ty in Den­mark, WITH OUR EYES exam­ines how col­lab­o­ra­tive trans­gres­sion can break down the stereo­typ­i­cal image of Mus­lims. In the film, the char­ac­ters become par­tic­i­pants by exper­i­ment­ing with role­play. They use their own bodies to por­tray their real­i­ty and expe­ri­ences in Den­mark, and some­times they even imag­ine other futures. It shows a real­i­ty that is both absurd and tragic and cre­ates anger. The film gives the audi­ence a glimpse into the lives of the par­tic­i­pants, who share every­thing at their get-togeth­ers: from every­day encoun­ters with prej­u­dices, to how it feels to be the sub­ject of public debate, to their views about paths to lib­er­a­tion. The film departs from the field of visual anthro­pol­o­gy and oscil­lates between doc­u­men­tary-making and fic­tion­al sto­ry­telling, there­by becom­ing what is also called ethnofiction.