Long Story Short

Natalie Bookchin
USA 2016 | 45 Min.

In LONG STORY SHORT, over 100 people at home­less shel­ters, food banks, adult lit­er­a­cy pro­grams, and job train­ing cen­ters in Los Ange­les and the Bay Area in Cal­i­for­nia dis­cuss their expe­ri­ences of pover­ty – why they are poor, how it feels, and what they think should be done. Numer­ous inter­views are stitched togeth­er to form a poly­phon­ic account of pover­ty from the inside.
The film uses the tools and aes­thet­ic forms of the shar­ing econ­o­my to ampli­fy the voices of those most dis­placed and dis­pos­sessed by it. While indi­vid­u­als filmed in sep­a­rate spaces appear in iso­la­tion, words flow across the screen like a musi­cal ensem­ble, an imag­i­nary col­lec­tive yet to mate­ri­al­ize. (www.longstory.us)
Grand Prize Cinéma du Réel, Paris 2016

Natal­ie Bookchin ist eine Videokün­st­lerin, deren Arbeit­en inter­na­tion­al gezeigt und aus­geze­ich­net worden sind, u.a. von LACMA, PS1, Mass­MO­CA, the Walker Art Center, the Pom­pi­dou Centre, MOCA LosAn­ge­les, the Whit­ney Museum, the Tate. 1998-2015 lehrte sie im Pho­tog­ra­phy & Media Pro­gram an der Cal Arts in Los Ange­les. Zurzeit lebt sie in Brook­lyn und ist Pro­fes­sor of Media an der Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty. Filme: LOCATION INSECURE (2006), ROUND THE WORLD (instal­la­tion, 2006), ZORNS LEMMA 2 (2007), TRIP (2008), PARKING LOT (2008), MASS ORNAMENT (instal­la­tion, 2009), NOW HE’S OUT IN PUBLIC AND EVERYONE CAN SEE (2012), TESTAMENT (instal­la­tion, 2016/2009).