Moussa Sene Absa
France, Senegal 1998 | 52 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU

JEF JEL is a doc­u­men­tary about the Islam­ic con­fed­er­a­tion of the Mourides in Sene­gal. Trav­el­ling from Dakar to Touba, where the move­ment was born, dis­ci­ples bear wit­ness to their reli­gion. »The Bayes Falls, these mys­tics orga­nized in a rigid­ly reg­u­lat­ed soci­ety, are for Moussa Sène Absa the guardians of a nobil­i­ty of soul and charc­ter that are today almost for­got­ten in Sene­gal. And with his camera at neck level or on the ground, he invites the audi­ance to pen­e­trate their closed world, to follow in their calm foot­steps and to take part in lively dis­cus­sions (…). The mes­sage of JEF JEL is rather to sug­gest what ani­mates the com­mu­ni­ty of the Bayes Falls than to really show who they are. Being at home in their world, Moussa Sene Absa espous­es their cause, mul­ti­ply­ing his view­points to cap­ture their chang­ing facets.«
(Michel Amarger)