Marianne Chaud
France 2008 | 62 Min. | DVD, OmeU

Kenrap is eight years old. He is a Bud­dhist monk and lives in the Phuk­thal monastery on the peaks of the Himalayan moun­tains of Zan­skar. Kenrap chose his life away from his family: when he was five, he remem­bered he was the rein­car­na­tion of a 68 year-old monk, and then decid­ed to return to the monastery where he belonged. Filmed from the point of view of a sub­jec­tive camera by a young eth­nol­o­gist, PATH TO THE SKY fol­lows this attach­ing little monk with whom we share moments of inti­ma­cy, and gives us a rare glance at Bud­dhist monas­tic life.