Encounters on the milky way

Jürg Neuenschwander
Switzerland 2000 | 94 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU

Three cat­tle­men from Mali and Burk­i­na Faso travel across Switzer­land and meet three dairy farm­ers and cheese-makers living in See­land and Berner Ober­land. Back in their own coun­tries, they relate their expe­ri­ences of this »rich« Alpine region to friends and neigh­bours. Dis­cus­sions arise over cows and milk, the econ­o­my and progress, and the rela­tion­ship between man and nature. The film, shot in the Sahel and Switzer­land, exam­ines the sim­i­lar­i­ties and dif­fer­ences between the two regions, and the effects of mod­erni­sa­tion on the men’s work and lives. These strong per­son­al­i­ties, who face the chal­lenge of the present with prag­ma­tism and imag­i­na­tion, forge links despite their rad­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent lifestyles.