Petr Lom
Kyrgyzstan 2004 | 51 Min. | OmeU, Video

In Kyr­gyzs­tan, it is not unusu­al for a girl to go to school care­free in the morn­ing, but to end up a bride in a family of strangers by night­fall. It is no use to put up a strug­gle. Young Kair­gul is calmly wait­ing for the school bus. She does not sus­pect that the man hang­ing out on the curb has evil inten­tions, but the next moment, he pushes her into a pass­ing car and kid­naps her to become his bride. ”I don’t want to be late for school,” she shouts. ”Your class­es are over,” he responds. In Kyr­gyzs­tan, Cen­tral Asia, men abduct a bride if they are not rich enough to pay a dowry. The kid­nap­ping is often dis­cussed before­hand in the poten­tial groom’s family. After the abduc­tion, the new in-laws inform the girl’s par­ents, who often accept the ”pro­pos­al.” Kid­nap­ping a bride is the usual state of affairs. ”We have all been abduct­ed,” women tell a fresh­ly kid­napped girl who reluc­tant­ly stands in a corner. Direc­tor Petr Lom fol­lows the dra­mat­ic sto­ries of non-con­sen­su­al kid­nap­pings. This doc­u­men­tary is the first to ever doc­u­ment the custom.