AL KARAMAH - Human Dignity

Frode Storaas
Norway 1997 | 40 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU

Although much has been writ­ten and shown about Pales­tini­ans and Israelis, one aspect has gen­er­al­ly been left out: the Pales­tin­ian minor­i­ty in Israel. More than 900 000 Pales­tin­ian-Arab cit­i­zens live in Israel. This film explores their sit­u­a­tion. The story is told through Samiyeh, a 20 year-old Pales­tin­ian women and her cousin Nidal. Like all young people in the Arab world, who have been con­front­ed by West­ern ideals and values, Samiyeh and Nidal have their own hopes and frus­tra­tions, dreams and night­mares. How­ev­er, the Israeli gov­ern­ment intrudes into the most minute details of their Pales­tin­ian-Arab lives.

The Pales­tini­ans in Israel are pros­per­ing along with the rest of the Israeli soci­ety. But, »money is not every­thing« as Samiyeh’s father, a con­struc­tion worker puts it; »money comes and goes. But al karamah (human dig­ni­ty) – if al karamah goes, it can never come back«.