Yangon Film School

My Grandfather’s House

Shunn Lei Swe Yee
14 Min. | OmeU
“This house is much more than just a roof over our heads“, reflects an adult woman about her old wooden house. It was once a meet­ing place for some of … read more

My Leg

Khon Soe Moe Aung
Myanmar 2015 | 16 Min. | OmeU
The long last­ing, con­tin­u­ous civil war in Myan­mar has left its traces and injuries on the human body and soul, as well as on soci­ety. Since 2007, almost 800 pros­thet­ic … read more

Sweetie Pie

Sai Kong Kham
Myanmar 2011 | 7 Min. | OmeU

Shot in obser­va­tion­al style in one room, the short por­trait tells us about the inter­ac­tions between a little grand­son and his old grand­fa­ther, who takes care of the young one. It is an inti­mate rela­tion­ship of joy, love and humor, which some­times can be stress­ful for the old. The direc­tor, Sai Kong Kham, is a stu­dent of the Yangon Film School and SWEETIE PIE was his first film as director.

In coop­er­a­tion with Goethe Insti­tut Myan­mar and SEZ – Stiftung Entwick­lungs-Zusam­me­nar­beit Baden-Württemberg


Kyaw Myo Lwin
Myanmar 2013 | 30 Min. | OmeU
What makes a tyre a tyre, and what is craft­ed out of the many worn out truck tyres? The film delves into the art of recy­cling tyres in Myanmar’s former … read more