The Other Iran


Asghar Farhadi
France, Iran 2009 | 115 Min. | 35 mm, OmU
With the return of their friend Ahmad from Ger­many, a group of old col­lege pals (two mar­ried cou­ples and a broth­er and sister, along with three young kids) decide to … read more

My Tehran for Sale

Granaz Moussavi
Australia, Iran 2009 | 96 Min. | DigiBeta, OmeU

Marzieh is a con­fi­dent young woman; an actress, she lives in Tehran. As a modern Iran­ian, she fights against the cur­rent polit­i­cal and social cir­cum­stances that sur­round her in an effort to be her­self living, loving, and work­ing out of sight, behind locked doors. Like many other young Ira­ni­ans, an artis­tic and cre­ative life is one that can only be lived in hiding. Marzieh’s artis­tic under­tak­ings and her desire for free­dom make her every­day life notice­ably more dif­fi­cult. Her rela­tion­ship with Saman an Iran­ian exile offers her the chance to escape the coun­try and live a life of her own choos­ing with­out fear. “I always wanted to tell the story of my gen­er­a­tion: the story of a life of double stan­dards, con­trast­ing lessons at home and in school, a life of lies and pre­tense…” – Granaz Moussavi

The film was direct­ed under dif­fi­cult con­di­tions in Iran where the direc­tor lived until 1997 when she emi­grat­ed to Aus­tralia. MY TEHRAN FOR SALE is a night­mar­ish dec­la­ra­tion of love to the filmmaker’s former home.

The Green Wave

Ali Samadi Ahadi
Germany 2010 | 80 Min. | 35 mm, OmU
THE GREEN WAVE is a touch­ing doc­u­men­tary col­lage that illus­trates the dra­mat­ic events during the summer of 2009 in Iran and tells about the feel­ings of the people behind this … read more