Project 10


Andrea Spitz
South Africa 2004 | 48 Min. | DVD, OF

Ivy is a beau­ti­cian. She runs her own busi­ness and is highly suc­cess­ful. Year in, year out, she makes the rich ‘ladies’ in Johan­nes­burg look and feel great. She start­ed her career when it was ille­gal for black women in South Africa to work as beau­ti­cians for this sector of soci­ety. For years she has had a solid and reg­u­lar client base. She knows and shares with them the most inti­mate details of their lives. She laughs with them and cries with them. She gos­sips with them, cares about them, and gives them sound advice. She even puts them into their car and starts the engine so that their man­i­cured nails don’t get scuffed. To her clients, she is the best ther­a­pist around: reju­ve­nat­ing both body and spirit. 


Asivhanzhi 'Asi' Mathaba
South Africa 2004 | 52 Min. | DVD, OF
Solly Luvhen­go, a young man from deep rural Venda in the North­ern Province, has defied the odds to sur­vive pover­ty and mar­gin­al­i­sa­tion, and seems poised for even greater things. The … read more