Latin America

Land of Mennonites

Adele Schmidt
Mexico 2000 | 58 Min. | OmeU, Video
The 1987 »Miss Beauty« from the North­ern Mex­i­can state of Chi­huahua is a Men­non­ite, although the tra­di­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty doesn’t con­sid­er her to be. She belongs to the lib­er­al wing 50 … read more

Present Past
(Passado Presente)

Luiz Eduardo Lerina
Brazil 2000 | 59 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU
The doc­u­men­tary focus­es on the Pomeran­ian immi­gra­tion into the state of Espir­i­to Santo, 500 km away from Rio de Janeiro. The Pomera­ni­ans began to arrive in the region in the … read more