Indian Power


India 2012 | 84 Min. | OmeU
It’s hard not to be fright­ened at how the sparks fly between chaot­i­cal­ly knot­ted cables and dan­ger­ous fin­gers of flame lick away at the old trans­form­ers, as elder­ly men call … read more


Eva Heldmann
Germany, India 2012 | 8 Min.
A video record­ing from spring, 2011 in Nashik, India: A girl is play­ing with her broth­er in the holy waters of the Godavari River. They are play­ing very dif­fer­ent­ly, the … read more


Kim Longinotto, Kim Longinotto
Great Britain, India 2012 | 90 Min. | OmeU
In vil­lages inhab­it­ed by India’s Muslim minor­i­ty in Tamil south­ern India, as soon as a girl reach­es puber­ty she is locked away until her wed­ding. This was Salma’s fate when … read more

Shyamal uncle turns off the lights

Suman Gosh
India 2012 | 65 Min. | OmeU
An 80-year-old Kolkata retiree is on a mis­sion to get his neigh­bor­hood street­lights turned off after sun­rise after he notices they stay on all day as well. Shya­mal Uncle finds … read more