Homage to Djibril Diop Mambéty


Djibril Diop Mambéty
Senegal 1970 | 60 Min. | 16 mm, fr. OF
Comedy about a little boy in the streets of Dakar, per­se­cut­ed by a stout police man. But the film is also a crit­i­cal expo­sure of some aspects of life in Dakar.


Djibril Diop Mambéty
Senegal 1969 | 16 Min. | 16 mm, fr. OF
An amus­ing glance at Dakar, its dif­fer­ent mon­u­ments and cos­mopoli­tan quar­ters, result of the numer­ous colo­nial­is­tic peri­ods that built the city. »I regard­ed the dif­fer­ences direct­ly around me and I … read more


Djibril Diop Mambéty
France, Senegal, Switzerland 1999 | 45 Min. | 35 mm, OmU
»Sell­ing news­pa­pers in the streets of Dakar had always been the pre­serve of the city’s boys. Sili, a little girl, lives on the streets and moves with the help of … read more


Djibril Diop Mambéty
France, Senegal, Switzerland 1994 | 45 Min. | 35 mm, OmU

»Marigo dreams about his instru­ment, the Con­go­ma, con­fis­cat­ed by his ill-natured land­la­dy because of his rent depts. To get it back he buys a lot­tery ticket, a pre­cious doc­u­ment which he pasts on his door, in order not to be dis­cov­ered. And as fate decides the number wins! But how vexing: Marigo has pasted the ticket with too much pro­found­ness on the door, which he final­ly has to tear off its hinges to carry it on his head to the book­ing office of the state lot­tery. But there is yet anoth­er obsta­cle: Indeed, he has won the big prize, but the con­trol number indis­pens­able for being paid is on the back of the pasted ticket. So, the ticket must get off, but in such a way, that the con­trol number will not be dam­aged. Then, Marigo has a great idea. Sit­ting on a stone at the ocean he lets the waves caress his valu­able door. The sea on the west­coast of the Atlantic can be cruel at night. Good luck, Marigo. Musi­cian and martyr.«
(Djib­ril Diop Mambéty)


Djibril Diop Mambéty
Senegal 1973 | 95 Min. | 35 mm, OmU
Bring­ing his cows to the sloughter-house, cowherd Mory meets the stu­dent Anta. Togeth­er they dream to go to France to get pros­per­ous and they try to get the money for … read more