Senegal 1970 | 60 Min. | 16 mm, fr. OF
»Marigo dreams about his instrument, the Congoma, confiscated by his ill-natured landlady because of his rent depts. To get it back he buys a lottery ticket, a precious document which he pasts on his door, in order not to be discovered. And as fate decides the number wins! But how vexing: Marigo has pasted the ticket with too much profoundness on the door, which he finally has to tear off its hinges to carry it on his head to the booking office of the state lottery. But there is yet another obstacle: Indeed, he has won the big prize, but the control number indispensable for being paid is on the back of the pasted ticket. So, the ticket must get off, but in such a way, that the control number will not be damaged. Then, Marigo has a great idea. Sitting on a stone at the ocean he lets the waves caress his valuable door. The sea on the westcoast of the Atlantic can be cruel at night. Good luck, Marigo. Musician and martyr.«
(Djibril Diop Mambéty)