Crossing Borders, Palestine - Israel

(Yadon ilaheyya)

Elia Suleiman
France, Palestine 2002 | 92 Min. | 35 mm, OmU
Nazareth is a com­plete­ly normal city in the Middle East, where the Arabic neigh­bour­hood is embroiled in the daily war between the loners, the eccentrics, and the aggres­sive grum­blers. What … read more


Hany Abu-Assad
Netherlands 2002 | 80 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU
The white Ford vans dri­ving around all over Pales­tine once belonged to the Israeli army. After the Oslo Agree­ments, they were given to former Pales­tin­ian col­lab­o­ra­tors as a source of … read more


Hany Abu-Assad
Palestine 2002 | 90 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU

Rana wakes up one morn­ing to an ulti­ma­tum deliv­ered by her father: She must either choose a hus­band from a pre-select­ed list of eli­gi­ble men, or she must accom­pa­ny her father abroad. RANA’S WEDDING is a roman­tic drama about a Pales­tin­ian girl who wants to get mar­ried to the man of her own choice. With only ten hours to find her boyfriend in occu­pied Jerusalem, Rana sneaks out of her father’s house at day­break to find her for­bid­den love, Khalil. Facing bar­ri­ers and occu­pa­tion which have become an every­day real­i­ty, Rana over­comes her fears and doubts, decid­ing not to let anyone con­trol her life. 

By the direc­tor of NAZARETH 2000 (Ara­bi­an Sights 2001), RANA’S WEDDING was shot entire­ly on loca­tion in East-Jerusalem and Ramal­lah, and had its world pre­miere during Inter­na­tion­al Crit­ics’ Week in Cannes 2002.


Rashid Masharawi
Palestine 2002 | 85 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU
Jaber and Sanah live in a refugee camp in Ramal­lah. Sanah works here for the Pales­tin­ian ambu­lance ser­vice. Jaber has dreamed up quite a spe­cial job to do some­thing about … read more