Current Films

Café regular, Cairo

Ritesh Batra
Egypt, India 2011 | 11 Min. | OmU
A young Muslim couple sits in a café, talk­ing about the future of their rela­tion­ship for the first time and how pre­mar­i­tal sex could change it. The young woman wants … read more

Everybody in our Family

Radu Jude
Romania 2012 | 107 Min. | OmeU

There’s no way around it: modern man reacts to stress much like his stone-age fore­fa­thers, his phys­i­cal chem­istry decid­ing within sec­onds on fight or flight. Aside from the morn­ing hang­over, his par­ents, the battle with nico­tine and car prob­lems, Marius Vizereanu’s great­est stress factor is the immi­nent visit to the blend­ed family where his young daugh­ter Sofia lives with her grand­moth­er, mother and her new boyfriend Aurel. Marius is an onlook­er there at best, but today he wants to pick up Sofia to take her on a sea­side outing. As soon as the camera enters the cramped flat with him, it is as if trans­formed into a mea­sur­ing device. Each rise in blood pres­sure, every emo­tion, sar­cas­tic remark, threat, or self-abase­ment is record­ed in metic­u­lous fash­ion, includ­ing any amount of dirty laun­dry and unfin­ished busi­ness. Although Marius’ visit is brief and we expe­ri­ence it in real time, the ever-broad spec­trum of feel­ings that go hand in hand with the family cosmos means the excel­lent actors have plenty to draw on.

Expe­ri­ence is nearly always the parody of an idea. This also applies to the idea of family. Fight or flight can help when it comes to irre­solv­able family bonds. Or even both.

Sons of the Land
(Les Fils de la Terre)

Les Fils de la Terre

Edouard Bergeon
France | 87 Min. | OmeU
On a farm in the Pyre­nees, a few plain, func­tion­al build­ings, some pieces of equip­ment lying in the mud. In the cow barn, Sebastien Itard is hard at work. When … read more

The Virgin, the Copts and Me

Namir Abdel Messeeh
Egypt, France, Qatar 2012 | 85 Min. | OmU
Namir’s mother is a Coptic Chris­t­ian. She is con­vinced that she can see an appari­tion of the Virgin Mary on a video tape orig­i­nat­ing from her home in Egypt. Her … read more

Unity through Culture

Christian Suhr, Ton Otto
Baluan Island, Denmark 2012 | 58 Min. | OmeU
Soanin Kilan­git is deter­mined to unite the people and attract inter­na­tion­al tourism through the revival of cul­ture on Baluan Island in the South Pacif­ic. He orga­nizes the largest cul­tur­al fes­ti­val … read more