This film documents the harsh living conditions and poor state of public education in the cold Peruvian highlands (over 4000 meters above sea level) for a female school teacher and … read more
When trying to revert the traditions abandonment of his people and following his father research, the teacher and writer Joaquim Maná, Zezinho Yube runs after the traditional artworks knowledge of the Hunikui women aided by his mother.
Karané Txicão, Mari Côrea Brazil 2007 | 80 Min. | miniDV, OmeU
The Americas “first contact” is widely recognized as having occurred in 1492. For the Ikpeng indigenous people in Brazil, first contact was a documented event that occurred in October 1964 … read more
Los Uros, the people who for thousands of years have been living floating over the cold 43 waters of lake Titicaca, are upon the brink of disappearing. A definite conflict … read more
José Padilha Brazil 2010 | 94 Min. | DigiBeta, OmeU
Director José Padilha’s eyeopening new documentary centers on the popular field of Yanomami Indian studies, but they aren’t the tribe in question. The secrets being exposed are those of the … read more
The mountain massif of Cutucú in the south of the Amazon region in Ecuador was a kind of defense against the environmental destruction for the native population but in the … read more
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