Virtual Reality


Oscar Raby
Australia 2013 | 15 Min.
An expe­ri­ence dimen­sion beyond the con­fines of any cinema screen we will open up with the Oculus Rift vir­tu­al real­i­ty glass­es. In the vir­tu­al domain, we adopt the per­spec­tive of a young … read more

Refugee Republic

Dirk Jan Visser, Jan Rothuizen, Martijn van Tol
Netherlands 2014 | 15 Min.
REFUGEE REPUBLIC is an inter­ac­tive trans­me­dia doc­u­men­tary about every­day life in Domiz Camp, a Syrian refugee camp in north­ern Iraq. The aim of the film­mak­ers – artist Jan Rothuizen, mul­ti­me­dia … read more