Burma Spring 21

Due to unex­p­tect­ed cir­cum­stanced this event has to be cancelled

We are very sorry for this!


On Feb­ru­ary 1st, 2021 Myan­mar Mil­i­tary under the lead­er­ship of Min Aung Hlaing staged a coup, declar­ing the Novem­ber 2020 elec­tion as fraud­u­lent. Since then all the oppos­ing par­lia­ment mem­bers, reporters, activists, celebri­ties are in hiding or have been detained. More than 500 people have mean­while been killed during manifestations.
This clip was real­ized by film­mak­ers and artists from Myan­mar and some allies living in Europe, empha­siz­ing the need of sol­i­dar­i­ty for the protest move­ment of civil disobedience.

with filmtalk afterwards

*free event*




Thant Zin came to Yangon with his broth­er around three years ago. He may have been twelve years old at the time, but he can’t really remem­ber. After find­ing him a job at a car wash, his broth­er returned to their vil­lage, leav­ing Thant Zin behind. Deeply unhap­py in his badly paid job and fed up with sleep­ing under a torn mos­qui­to net in a dingy room, Thant longs to go home. But he doesn’t remem­ber where his vil­lage is, or even what it is called. A sen­si­tive­ly filmed short doc­u­men­tary about a boy trying to cope with lone­li­ness and aban­don­ment – a fate shared by many chil­dren and young adults migrat­ing from rural Myan­mar to the city in search of work and a better life.

Direc­tor: Shin Thandar
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy: Moe Kyaw Thu, Shin Thandar
Sound record­ing: Ja Roi Aung
Sound design: Ma Aye Chan, Ja Roi Aung
Ukulele: Saw Keh Blu Moo
Edit­ing: Thida Swe
Con­tact: huth@yangonfilmschool.org

pro­gram with:



Sweetie Pie

Shot in obser­va­tion­al style in one room, the short por­trait tells us about the inter­ac­tions between a little grand­son and his old grand­fa­ther, who takes care of the young one. It is an inti­mate rela­tion­ship of joy, love and humor, which some­times can be stress­ful for the old. The direc­tor, Sai Kong Kham, is a stu­dent of the Yangon Film School and SWEETIE PIE was his first film as director.

In coop­er­a­tion with Goethe Insti­tut Myan­mar and SEZ – Stiftung Entwick­lungs-Zusam­me­nar­beit Baden-Württemberg


What makes a tyre a tyre, and what is craft­ed out of the many worn out truck tyres? The film delves into the art of recy­cling tyres in Myanmar’s former cap­i­tal. The dis­man­tling, reorder­ing and trans­for­ma­tion of tyre mate­ri­als into new prod­ucts offers beau­ti­ful insights into the flow of work, the skills of crafts­men and women, socio-mate­r­i­al inter­ac­tions and cre­ativ­i­ty. Cap­tured with a close obser­va­tion­al camera and the aes­thet­ic look of black and white images, the film close­ly fol­lows the daily rhythm of work of tyre recy­clers. Each of them is spe­cial­ized in a cer­tain prod­uct made out of tyres. Kyaw Myo Lwin joined the Yangon Film School in 2007 where he has since worked as sound recordist and editor on sev­er­al films. TYRES was his direc­to­r­i­al debut.

In coop­er­a­tion with Goethe Insti­tut Myan­mar and SEZ – Stiftung Entwick­lungs-Zusam­me­nar­beit Baden-Württemberg

My Leg

The long last­ing, con­tin­u­ous civil war in Myan­mar has left its traces and injuries on the human body and soul, as well as on soci­ety. Since 2007, almost 800 pros­thet­ic legs have been pro­duced in a work­shop run by dis­abled vet­er­ans. Injured ex-sol­diers of the Burmese Army and ex-lib­er­a­tion fight­ers work togeth­er to help amputees. The film does not only por­tray the work of the dis­abled crafts­men, which gives them hope and strength to deal with their sit­u­a­tion, it tells the story of sol­i­dar­i­ty in a space where ethnic bound­aries and former rival­ries are left behind and appear sense­less - like the war itself. The direc­tor, Khon Soe Moe Aung, is a human rights activist and young film­mak­er, who was intro­duced to film­mak­ing during a Yangon Film School course. MY LEG is his first doc­u­men­tary film. Cur­rent­ly, he is work­ing on a fea­ture-length documentary.

In coop­er­a­tion with Goethe Insti­tut Myan­mar and SEZ – Stiftung Entwick­lungs-Zusam­me­nar­beit Baden-Württemberg

Ice Poison

Faced with dimin­ish­ing returns on his har­vest, a poor young farmer in Myan­mar pawns his cow for a moped and seeks alter­na­tive income as a taxi driver. Among his first fares is a woman who has returned home for her grandfather’s funer­al and is making a new start after escap­ing an arranged mar­riage in China. Togeth­er, they are lured into one of the few lucra­tive busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties avail­able in the area: sell­ing “ice poison” (crys­tal meth) around town.
With three fea­ture films under his belt, Burmese-Tai­wanese direc­tor, Midi Z, has devel­oped a nat­u­ral­is­tic cin­e­mat­ic lan­guage that allows a doc­u­men­tary-like inti­ma­cy with his char­ac­ters. In his latest work, he has craft­ed a mea­sured drama that bal­ances the daily hard­ships faced by many in Myan­mar with moments of joy shared by his characters—from the glow­ing neon lights of a karaoke bar to the free­dom of the open road, and the taint­ed promise of the drug that allows for a fleet­ing escape but threat­ens to con­tin­ue their cycle of pover­ty. 
(Ian Hol­lan­der, Tribeca, NY)