Flames of God

Lan­guish­ing in pover­ty and obscu­ri­ty, the Roma-Gypsy poet and song­writer Muzafer Bislim is trying his best to raise a family, com­pile a hand-writ­ten dic­tio­nary of a threat­ened lan­guage, write tran­scen­dent love poems, and sell songs to pop­u­lar record­ing artists in Mace­do­nia. His life takes a sur­pris­ing turn when he is select­ed to appear at the Inter­na­tion­al Poetry Bien­ni­al in Paris, where he can try to pub­lish his life’s work. The jour­ney puts Bislim’s resolve to the test as he reen­coun­ters old friends and expe­ri­ences the seduc­tion and wealth of Paris.