Kale and Kale

The film explores the subtle every­day inter­ac­tions and rela­tion­ships among an uncle and nephew, both nick­named “Kale,” or “black one,” and their fam­i­lies in rural Nepal. The roles they play in the vil­lage, with their fam­i­lies, and out­side of the vil­lage are grad­u­al­ly revealed by way of dis­crete vignettes. Through the pacing of the scenes and the length of shots, this ethno­graph­ic video is also a depic­tion of time and its pass­ing in rural Nepal. The work invites the viewer to engage unhur­ried­ly and sen­so­ri­al­ly with its sub­jects and their­nen­vi­ron­ment.  (www.stephaniespray.com)


In explor­ing the lives of two wan­der­ing Nepali musi­cians, an uncle and nephew who share the same name, KĀLE AND KĀLE (pro­nounced kah-lay) expos­es the root­less occu­pa­tion of the Gaine caste and com­mu­ni­cates both its joys and pit­falls – domes­tic, eco­nom­ic and spir­i­tu­al – in their daily lives. Reject­ing didac­ti­cism as a means of ethno­graph­i­cal obser­va­tion, the film con­sists of dis­tinct episodes that value the qual­i­ty of the gen­uine moment.” (Cinema Guild)