Gaza / Sderot - Life In Spite of Everything

This online doc­u­men­tary project reports on the day-to-day expe­ri­ences of men, women and chil­dren on both sides of the Pales­tin­ian-Israeli border, in Gaza (Pales­tine) and Sderot (Israel). Under dif­fi­cult living con­di­tions and the threat of air attacks and bomb­ings, people do keep on work­ing, loving and dream­ing. Life in spite of everything.

In order to doc­u­ment this will to live, short chron­i­cles (2 min­utes each) are shot by both Israeli and Pales­tin­ian teams, day after day for two months, and placed on the site. These short sto­ries follow six char­ac­ters from each coun­try and every week there is a new story of each char­ac­ter. The sto­ries are aired via the Inter­net and users have a per­son­al, inter­ac­tive and non-linear access to these con­tents on the site ARTE France which will include the videos, blogs, forums, links etc.