Moving is a Blessing

After having lived in the Nether­lands for over 20 years, my par­ents, Gulzar and Shwan, decid­ed to move back to Kur­dis­tan. Escap­ing the Iraqi regime as refugees in the early ‘90s, Iraqi Kur­dis­tan has recent­ly devel­oped into a region­al safe-haven. How­ev­er, with cur­rent ten­sions around the threat of the Islam­ic State (IS), the social and polit­i­cal land­scape is chang­ing dras­ti­cal­ly. In MOVING IS A BLESSING I follow my par­ents’ return to their home­land whilst address­ing notions of belong­ing, transna­tion­al­ism, tem­po­ral­i­ty and (re)imagining future hori­zons.” (Lana Askari)