Sat, 15-May-21 11:00 AM
On demand: 6. – 16. May
Q&A via Zoom with:
Haya Fatima Iqbal, Judy Kibinge
Doc­u­men­tary film making in Kenya & Pakistan  - How to start and where to go to Pan­eld­is­cus­sion with Judy Kibinge, Docubox (Nairo­bi) & Haya Fatima Iqbal, Doc­u­men­tary Asso­ci­a­tion Pak­istan (Karachi) The … read more


with subsequent panel discussion

Elena Schilling, Saitabao Kaiyare
Sat, 15-May-21 02:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via Zoom with:
Dr. Sandra Ferracuti, Elena Schilling, George Juma Ondeng ́, His Majesty Haye Dr. Makorani-a-Mungase VII, Saitabao Kaiyare
with sub­se­quent panel discussion A mys­te­ri­ous wooden object from Kenya is stored in the Linden Museum in Stuttgart. All that is known about its origin is that it was entered … read more


Likarion Wainaina
Kenya 2020 | 14 min
Sat, 15-May-21 05:00 PM
On demand: May 6 - 16th
Q&A via Zoom:
Likarion Wainaina

Adam, a mentor and boxing coach, strug­gles to shield his pro­tégés from the reach of an extrem­ist recruiter. As more of the young men fall to the trap­pings of easy money, Adam turns his focus towards Rama, a young man from the local slum area with hopes of saving at least one soul.
The film has been made for Jion­goze Project, an NGO that aims to build a com­mu­ni­ty of resilient and empow­ered youth with a sense of pur­pose and iden­ti­ty for their lives.

Likar­i­on Wainaina, born 1987 in Moscow, Russia to Kenyan par­ents. Since 1991 the family moved to Kenya. He is a promi­nent film and the­ater direc­tor and since 2007 a member of the Phoenix Play­ers the­ater in Nairo­bi. He worked in the film indus­try also as cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er for TV, music videos and com­mer­cial adver­tis­ing. In 2013 he found­ed the com­pa­ny Kiban­da Pic­tures. His short films BETWEEN THE LINES (2013), BAIT (2015) and MY FAITH (2018) screened at inter­na­tion­al fes­ti­vals and received acclaim. In 2018 his long fea­ture SUPA MODO pre­miered at the Berlin Int. Film Fes­ti­val and earned more than 50 inter­na­tion­al awards.

Direc­tor: Likar­i­on Wainaina
Script: Damaris Irungu O
Pro­duc­tion: Jion­goze project


Maïmouna Jallow
Kenya 2021 | 55 min
Sat, 15-May-21 05:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via Zoom with:
Maïmouna Jallow
- Pre­miere – Orig­i­nal­ly a play writ­ten by the direc­tor her­self, this film is a prod­uct of closed the­atres in pan­dem­ic times and it is a set­ting we are all … read more


only available on 15.05.2021!

Julia Pełka
Poland 2019 | 15 min
Sat, 15-May-21 09:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via Zoom with:
Julia Pełka
The rela­tion­ship that Varso­vians have with clams is sim­i­lar to the one that once joined canaries and miners. Both species can sense danger sooner than humans because they are much … read more


Ariane Lorrain, Shahab Mihandoust
Canada 2018 | 58 min
Sat, 15-May-21 09:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via Zoom with:
Ariane Lorrain, Shahab Mihandoust
This film describes the cre­ation of a work of art in all its amaz­ing indi­vid­ual steps. We are in the west­ern moun­tains of Iran, the land of the Bakhtiaris. Wool … read more