freiburg film forum 2015
13 – 17 May
program 2015
Introductory text
Harvard’s Sensory Ethnography Lab |
featured themes
30 Anniversary, A Review in Films | Harvard’s Sensory Ethnography Lab |
Global Migration and Flight | Current Films |
students’ platform
Students’ Film Forum | Students’ Films | Masterclass, David MacDougall |
Virtual Reality |
accompanying events
Exhibition, Robert Capa - Israel Immigration 1948-50 |
Reading, Sherko Fatah | Panel, Creative Ethnography of Beiings & Things |
Cooperation, Buzz - Parasitical Ecologies | Film Talk, Edouard Glissant – One World in Relation |
Lana Askari, England | Pavel Borecký, Estland | Ilker Çatak, Deutschland |
Henning Engelke, Deutschland | Sherko Fatah, Deutschland |
Pascal-Emmanuel Gallet, Frankreich | Simone C. Gaul, Burkina Faso |
Arturo González Villaseñor, Mexiko | Jakob Gross, Deutschland |
Akiro Hellgardt, Deutschland | Pia Ilonka, Norwegen |
Kriston Jackson, England | Xingzheng Jin, China |
Reinhard Kapfer, Deutschland | Elise Laker, England |
Mirjam Leuze, Deutschland | David MacDougall, Australien |
Annika Mayer, Deutschland | Alex Mironescu, Rumänien |
Troels Primdahl, Island | Pedro Henrique, Risse, Brasilien |
Samir, Schweiz | David Schittek, Deutschland |
Sarah Schmidt, Deutschland | Viola Shafik, Deutschland |
J.P. Sniadecki, USA | Beate Thill, Deutschland |
Jacqueline van Vugt, Niederlande | Arturo González Villaseñor, Mexiko |
Olaf Voigtländer, Deutschland | Malte Wandel, Deutschland |
Shixiao Wang, China | Vanessa Wijngaarden, Deutschland |