Katalog 2007freiburg film forum 2007

15 – 20 May

Program 2007


featured themes

Migra­tion and Cul­ture | We’re British But … | Rahul Roy, Hom­mage |
Juris­dic­tion in Africa | Israeli Reflec­tions on the Middle East Con­flict |
Islam in Indone­sia | China | Vit­to­rio de Seta: Italy in the 50s |
Chang, Silent Movie with Musi­cal Accom­pa­ni­ment | Cur­rent Films |

accompanying events

Exhi­bi­tion: Olivi­er Jobard - Kings­ley – Carnet de Route d’un Immi­grant Clan­des­tin | Interkul­turelles Jugend­pro­jekt |
Meet­ing, India in Doc­u­men­tary Films | Nota­tions of Migration -
José F.A. Oliver, Fatou Diome, Marica Bodrožić, Yoko Tawada |
Lec­ture - Han­sjörg Bay
| Dance per­for­mance - Jasna Vinovrs­ki |


Han­sjörg Bay, Deutsch­land (Lec­ture) | Bernard Belle­froid, Belgien |
Marica Bodrožić, Deutsch­land (Read­ing) | Sebas­t­ian Cabot, Israel |
Fatou Diome (Read­ing), Frankre­ich | Ulrike Franke, Deutschland |
Ido Haar, Israel | Barak Hey­mann, Israel |
Olivi­er Jobard, Frankre­ich (Exhi­bi­tion) |
Kings­ley Kum, Frankre­ich (Exhi­bi­tion) | Michael Loeken, Deutschland |
José F.A. Oliver (Read­ing) , Deutsch­land | Rahul Roy, Indien |
Afsar Sonia Shafie, Schweiz | Heidi Specogna, Deutschland |
Habi­bol­lah Tajmir-Riahi, Schweiz | Yoko Tawada, Deutsch­land (Read­ing) |
Nicole Wolf, GB | Fang Yu, Deutschland