(Cia E Tazi Pesen? )
Belgium, Bulgaria 2003 | 70 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU
“In a nice little restaurant in Istanbul, we were having dinner with friends from various Balkan countries - a Greek, a Macedonian, a Turk, a Serb, and me, a Bulgarian. There I heard the song whose story is told in the film. As soon as we heard the song, we all started humming it, each of us in his own language. Everyone claimed that the song came from his own country. Then we started a fierce fight - whose song is it? I knew from my childhood that the song was Bulgarian. I wanted to find out why the others also claimed the song as their own.”
Full of irony and barbed humour, WHOSE IS THIS SONG? is a road movie across the Balkans, which gives a microcosm of the area’s infamous ethnic rivalries through the story of a song everybody claims as his own. Travelling through Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, Serbia, and Bulgaria, Adela Peeva explores the many claims people make about the national origins of the song. She also suggestively reveals the many genres the lilting melody falls into: love song, religious hymn, patriotic tune, and so on.