(إمرأة فضاء)

Hadi Moussally
France, Lebanon 2021 | 19 Min. | engl. subtitled

Wed, 17-May-23 10:30 AM
Q&A with:
Hadi Moussally, Rajat Nayyar (EFC), Rana El Kadi (EFC)
» Trailer

Tripoli, North Lebanon. At 64, Maha has just taken her retire­ment from teach­ing. This new life puts her in the face of her lone­li­ness as a divorced woman, whose chil­dren have left their home to live abroad for years now. The sole com­pa­ny of her faith­ful neigh­bors is no longer enough for Maha to fight the ter­ri­ble feel­ing of empti­ness and bore­dom in which she now finds her­self. But had not she always dreamed of being an astro­naut? And what if she lets her­self drift to this promise of escape? 

Hadi Mous­sal­ly was born in Lebanon in 1987. He stud­ied film direc­tion and “Doc­u­men­tary and Anthro­po­log­i­cal Cinema” in Paris. Since 2012 he has real­ized sev­er­al films and photo projects of dif­fer­ent genres. In 2015 he found­ed the pro­duc­tion unit H7O7 whose main objec­tive is the making and pro­mo­tion of films and photos with “hybrid” voca­tion - the mix­ture of genres between exper­i­men­tal, doc­u­men­tary, fash­ion and fic­tion. 

Direc­tor, Script: Hadi Moussally
Music: Loopstache