Orzu Saripov
Tajikistan 2004 | 15 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU

By using very simple means, Orzu Saripov accom­pa­nies Afghan refugees, who are able to escape the hail of bombs in the north of the coun­try in the direc­tion of Tajik­istan and flee to unin­hab­it­ed islands on the Pianj-River. The video camera remains very close and observes with­out com­men­tary the flow and daily-life of an exodus. Sit­ting on a donkey, car­ry­ing sacks, wan­der­ing through the desert, cross­ing dan­ger­ous rivers – every­thing finds its pur­pose. Bullet car­tridges become cig­a­rette hold­ers, car tires become rafts. RUNAWAYS shows an aspect of daily life in war, which CNN and Co. have learned to ignore.