On the Water
(Na vodi)

Goran Dević
Croatia 2018 | 79 min | engl. subtitled

Thu, 30-May-19 10:00 PM

Sun, 02-Jun-19 06:00 PM
» Trailer

The indus­tri­al city of Sisak, which is one of the oldest set­tle­ments in the region south of the Croa­t­ian metrop­o­lis of Zagreb, is the director’s home­town and is locat­ed where three rivers meet. The rivers appear calm: A man col­lects drift­wood; two friends – one Croa­t­ian, one Ser­bian – meet reg­u­lar­ly to fish; in the cold of winter, a father trains his son to become a pro­fes­sion­al swim­mer. In impres­sive seg­ments, Goran Dević cre­ates a por­trait of this land­scape and its inhab­i­tants. We can always sense the close­ness between the film­mak­er and his pro­tag­o­nists. The scars left by the Yugosla­vian civil war on this coun­try and its people become increas­ing­ly obvi­ous. Dević waits and observes. The mem­o­ries come by them­selves; they still influ­ence life on the river. This is a quiet, emphat­ic plea against war, for peace between cultures.


Hon­or­able men­tion, DOK-Leipzig 2018; Human Rights Film Fes­ti­val 2018