Hubert Sauper
Austria, France 1997 | 45 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU

Along an over­grown rail­track south of Kin­san­gani, ex-Stan­leyville, lost refugees are dis­cov­ered by an expe­di­tion of the UN. There are 80.000 (!) Hutus from far away Rwanda. They are the last sur­vivors of three years of hunger and armed per­se­cu­tion through the vast Congo basin. The film fol­lows their traces fur­ther into the rain­for­est, the hope­less attempts of help. It goes to enig­mat­ic places where mas­sacres had hap­pened only the night before. Nobody knows who was shoot­ing. Some human­i­tar­i­an aid arrives; slowly. The Hutu-refugees leave the forest, gath­er­ing in two gigan­tic camps (Kasese, Biaro). Even though hun­dreds of people die every day from dis­eases and mal­nu­tri­tion, new hope arises among the vic­tims of a for­got­ten war. The Rwan­dans are being promised repa­tri­a­tion with aero­planes out of Kisan­gani. But only four weeks later, the unpro­tect­ed UN-camps are again machine­gunned. Mas­sa­cred by the cel­e­brat­ed ‘lib­er­at­ing rebel army’ of today’s ‘Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic’ Congo Kin­shasa. During the night of April 25, 1997, eighty thou­sand chil­dren, women and men are either killed or dis­ap­peare again, with­out leav­ing a trace, back into the jungle.