I’m Not Leaving Eldon

Jessica Bollag
Switzerland, USA 2015 | 49 Min. | OmeU

The people in Eldon, Iowa, carry many names, none of them too flat­ter­ing: Red­necks, Hill­bil­lies, White Trash. Still, the strug­gle they share with van­ish­ing jobs in agri­cul­ture and rising social inse­cu­ri­ty unites them within these labels as a self-chosen affil­i­a­tion. In Eldon, doors don’t have locks, but there is a gun under each bed. Jes­si­ca Bollag, a visual anthro­pol­o­gist from Bern, was acci­den­tal­ly invit­ed to a wed­ding in the vil­lage of Eldon where she met her first pro­tag­o­nist. Four years later, she came back to create this film for her Master’s thesis.