Paul Scheufler
Germany 2020 | 19 min
Wed, 12-May-21 02:00 PM
On demand: May 6 -16th
Q&A via zoom with:
Paul Scheufler
» Trailer

Markus was sex­u­al­ly abused sev­er­al times during his child­hood. Today, the 55-year-old is con­stant­ly on the road with his camper van and his dog “Picas­so” and is long­ing for an ocean: “an ocean between me and my past”. He works against sexual abuse, in soci­ety and within him­self. But as he says: “the trem­bling starts in the neck” when approach­ing his story by look­ing at his child­hood home. “I was born on the first floor and then destroyed on the second.”
The film­mak­ers and Markus set out togeth­er, he gained con­fi­dence and grad­u­al­ly was able to tell his story. A sen­si­tive por­trait and a per­son­al con­tri­bu­tion to a topic of which the extent is only slowly being understood.

Direc­tor, script: Paul Scheufler
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy: Jakob Grasböck
Edit­ing: Daria Wörmann
Sound: Eva Perháčová
Pro­duc­tion: Vic­to­ria Frances Anders, Hannes Raphael
Fil­mu­ni­ver­sität Babels­berg KONRAD WOLF