Ian Dunlop
Australia 1970 | 55 Min. | 35 mm, OF

By 1967 there were only a hand­ful of fam­i­lies still living a nomadic hunting/foodgathering life in the West­ern Desert of Cen­tral Aus­tralia. This film shows two days in the life of three fam­i­lies who camp togeth­er by a large clay pan. Good rain fell some months ago and the clay pan is partly cov­ered with shal­low water. The men spend many hours with their spears behind a hide wait­ing for emus to come to drink. An emu is cooked and eaten. Women col­lect seed, fruit and grubs. It is early summer and the tem­per­a­ture is often above 40°C. This film is episode 12 of the nine­teen part PEOPLE OF THE AUSTRALIAN WESTERN DESERT long term film project.